• Coldplay A Head Full of Dreams image

    Coldplay Favorites

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot since their amazing Seattle show, so I made a playlist of my favorite Coldplay songs.

  • Gold iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

    My Favorite iOS Apps

    Here’s my highly anticipated list of favorite iOS apps. A follow up to my favorite Mac apps.

  • macOS High Sierra desktop

    My Favorite Mac Apps

    Here’s a list of my favorite (third party) Mac apps.

  • Jekyll homepage

    Blogging in 2017

    I’ve always enjoyed blogging, but have been very lazy recently about getting around to it. And part of that is because I haven’t really had a good home for all my content. I’ve been using Medium because it’s easy and fast. The design is pretty good and has suited my needs. But I really want a place that’s my very own on the WWW. One that’s not owned by any corporation, that I have (almost) complete control over.

  • Spinning vinyl record gif

    Why I Like Vinyl

    Recently I, a 20 year old, have taken a liking to vinyl records. And not because it’s an old medium and I want to be a hipster. I am not “nostalgic” about CDs, casset tapes, or other antiquated mediums. There are solid reasons for why I specifically like this antiquated medium.